Reducing the Risk

Currently, there is NO cure for SIDS as the cause is still undetermined. Therefore SIDS cannot be prevented. The only thing that can be prevented is accidental death of infants. Here are some suggestions to reduce the risk of infant death by different means such as suffocation, wedging, choking, etc.:

• Do not use crib bumpers, blankets, or pillows.
• Do not co-sleep (on a bed, couch, or anything of the like).
• Check out the safety ratings on cribs prior to purchasing thru sites such as JPMA.
• Don’t lay your baby on their stomach or side to sleep (“tummy time” should be for awake time only).
• Do not over-clothe your child.
• Breast-Feed.
• Don’t smoke during pregnancy or after.
• Don’t drink during your pregnancy.
• Use pacifiers for sleep at all times.
• Avoid choking hazard toys.
• Stay aware of crib and baby item recalls.
• Provide this information to anyone who will be caring for your child.

You can find more risk-reducing factors and safe product information thru the following organizations:
SafeKids Worldwide
Cribs for Kids